Ashley R. Cummings | Freelance SaaS Writer

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What are the Freelance Writing Trends of 2022

I was part of my first ever Twitter Spaces earlier this week. I chatted with the founders of Peak Freelance, Elise Dopson and Michael Keenan, about Freelance Writing Trends for 2022.

You can listen to the full recording here.

Here's the condensed version of the trends we discussed:

1/ The Great Resignation + boost in e-comm/the digital world

With the recent boosts in e-commerce and the world becoming more digital, there are robust opportunities for new freelance writers.

Brands are investing heavily in content marketing and copywriting. (Approximately 82% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing.)

I can’t keep up with work. My colleagues can’t keep up with work. There is room for you!

Along the same lines, many content marketers are moonlighting. Jimmy from superpath published his report that says 32% of content marketers with a job also freelance. Freelance is hot right now.

2/ High demand for content repurposing & productized services

Brands see the value in repurposing content for different purposes and platforms.

I’ve had a ton of requests for taking podcasts, interviews, and webinars and turning them into blogs.

There are many opportunities for freelance writers to offer repurposing as a service.

Elise & Michael also talked about offering productized services. Freelancers can offer upsells like research services, editing, etc.

3/The rise of community support/value of a freelance community

Since the pandemic and as people spend more time online, the value of community is growing.

We are seeing the rise in the community across various industries—e-commerce, crypto, marketing, and — yes — freelance.

Freelancers with community support can avoid potential pitfalls.

Community access = easy advice on getting started, managing relationships with clients, and the opportunity to build friendships and a referral network.

4/ More freelancers building personal brands & it's paying off

More freelancers are building personal brands to get clients and network with other like-minded friends.

We're seeing more Twitter leaders, newsletters, blogs, and beneficial podcasts.

Growing a personal brand pays off in terms of more clients, consulting opportunities, speaking opportunities, etc.

And there you have it!